സൗദിയിൽ ജോലി ചെയ്യുന്ന വ്യക്തി ഉറൂബ് ആയിട്ടുണ്ടോ എന്ന് ചെക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത് എങ്ങനെ

ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക് ചെയ്യൂ

How to Check Iqama Huroob in A Single Step?

Checking Iqma Huroob is very easy. You can check your huroob status or huroob on iqama in a single easy step. All you have to have your iqama number and you are ready make inquiry about iqama huroob. This method works only in Saudi Arabia, so if you are outside the KSA, you many need to use VPN to use this method. You can use this method whether you are using PC/laptop, smartphone/tablet or any other device First of All you have to visit the official website of Ministry of Labor Saudi Arabia by Clicking Here or simply copy & paste this link into your browser https://www.mol.gov.sa/services/inquiry/nonsaudiempinquiry.aspx . 
You will see a page of Labor Ministry. The default language of this page is Arabic and this service is not available in English, so you have to use it as it is. You do not need to worry, we have explained with the help of screenshots how you can check your iqama huroob.
You can see in the above image that there are fields for border number, iqama number, passport number, nationality and image code. But you do not need to enter all these credentials. You need to enter only your iqama number  and image code. Please keep reading below.
Once the page is opened, the next step is to enter your valid iqama number as shown in the following screenshot. After entering your iqama number, please enter the image code shown and click “بحث”. That’s All Friends. System will show you the status of huroob on iqama.
check iqama huroob

How to Read Iqama Huroob in English?

When you make query of huroob on iqama, system will show the details in Arabic. It may be hard for many expats to understand the huroob status. So, we have explained it with the help of screenshot. In first case, if there is a huroob on your iqama the system will show you  the result “متغیب عن العمل“, which means you are absent from work. In other words, there is a huroob on your iqama. You can see it in the following screenshot.
huroob status
In the second scenario when you have no huroob on your iqama, you will see the result “علی راس العمل“. Which means you are on job and there is no huroob on your iqama. So, everything is fine. Please have a look at following screenshot.
This method doesn’t works for Domestic workers. Domestic workers should contact jwazat office to check iqama huroob.

How to Remove Iqama Huroob?

How to remove iqama huroob? it totally depends on the situation. If huroob is false, the Ministry of Labor allows victim to challenge the huroob and go for appeal. Sometimes, a kafeel wants money from employee but employee is not willing to pay money, consequently kafeel reports huroob. This issue can be settled through talks with kafeel. According to new rules, kafeel can withdraw or cancel iqama huroob within 30 days.
If employer’s Nitaqat status is red or yellow, you are allowed to transfer your iqama into other kafeel  but you should follow the proper procedure.
According to the new rules, it is not easy for employers to report a false huroob anymore. They have to meet certain requirements before they file a huroob.
Amnesty scheme is the best solution but it is not available every time. If you find an amnesty scheme, it means you are lucky enough but if there is no amnesty scheme and you are guilty, you will have no option no way to escape except deportation and ban.


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